Lady Killers Special: Settle The Score With Your Ex at Machine Gun Vegas

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They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and now there’s a new way to harness the power of this old adage without going to jail. Newly single ladies can release their pent up anger at their ex with Machine Gun Vegas’ latest package called ‘Lady Killers’.

Release the heat from within your soul with each round as you grip your Uzi and take a shot for:

1. Not inviting me to prom back in high school.
2. Telling me my sister was hot.
3. Telling me my butt was big.
4. Not proposing to me yet.
5. Not being Matthew McConaughey.

Or, simply imagine your former partner as the target and release the rage that women were taught to repress. No one is judging you here, let the bullets fly with a vengeance as you fire off 25 rounds on an Uzi fully automatic machine gun. Finish him off with your choice of 20 rounds released from the sweet sensation of gripping a Sig Sauer 226, Glock 17 or Springfield XDM 9mm.

In luxurious and secure surroundings, just 10 minutes from the famous Strip, the package for Femme Fatales (French for “deadly woman”) with a few things on their mind is just $89.95. And ladies, while it might not really hurt Mr. Wrong, it sure as hell will make you feel better about Linkyour broken heart.

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