The Truth About Psychic Intuitives

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Dear Readers,

Have you ever contacted a psychic?

Why would you? You’re in control, you know just what to do. You’re in charge of your destiny and you know it. You don’t need any help.

Millions around the globe may disagree especially when it comes to career counseling and insight on direction for life. I have always been intrigued by the psychic career path. I wondered what it would be like to know what is going to happen and how this knowledge would affect your choices. Is it even possible to know what our future holds?

By chance I was approached by a psychic intuitive a few years ago. She was a reader of my personal blog. She offered to give me a reading and I accepted. She had nothing good to say which annoyed me. She only predicted more struggle and hunger.

I’ll never forget reading her words, “There is no love around you at this time.” I was annoyed and upset but she was right.

At the beginning of this year something about her caught my attention. Although we hadn’t emailed each other in over a year I sent her an email asking how she was doing because we had stopped corresponding and her kind words even despite her ugly prediction resonated with my spirit.

When she replied she seemed happy to hear from me, “I have a premonition for you although I am sure you don’t want to hear it,” she began. Her prediction was startling and upsetting to say the least. She predicted that I would get married- not soon, but in the near future. With no prospects and no love at all in my life, I brushed off her prediction and kept moving.

As my life shifted and everything began to fall away, my jobs, school, my friends, my life direction changed in a way that I never thought it would. I was depressed and sad and I didn’t know what to do with myself.

One afternoon in the midst of this depression I received an email from her. “You need a reading. You think you don’t but you do.”

I accepted the reading and she emailed me a 5 page report. The main idea of the report was a new direction for my career which then evolved into My Savvy Sisters.Com. She predicted that my destiny was to begin a website for women that offered resources to help them to survive in life.

I was a bit thrown off by this prediction. “I guess I am a survivor,” I thought to myself. “But I’m in no way capable of leading others. I’m barely surviving myself.”

But, I had nothing better to do so I began the website anyway and look at what it has turned into. She didn’t give me specific instructions but she did give me a general overview and I had to do all the work myself.

“Through this website you will achieve the thing that has eluded you the most,” she wrote. “Personal fulfillment.”

She was right.

After accepting her advice and beginning this work I have never felt more in tune with who I am and I have never felt more happy to serve. I could have served a hundred tables at Red Lobster or written a hundred more books, but THIS work, meeting you and serving up inspiration and survival skills, is what feeds my soul.

I am not suggesting you run out and go pay a psychic for help. This week I am featuring Intuitive Counselors because I want their work to be respected and recognized because it is a valuable and credible profession for many who have learned to unleash the gift of intuition that is inherent to us all. We ALL have this gift, but these intuitive counselors have tapped into it and have decided to make their gift, a gift to the world.

Read More about our featured Intuitives as the week goes on.

Sue Frederick – Intuitive Career Counselor

In Love,


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Comments (3)

  1. Anonymous May 29, 2011
  2. Anonymous May 28, 2012
  3. Gail August 27, 2015

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