MySavvySisters.Com posted a poll that asked its readers to answer the question: How Often Do You Have Sex?
Of the women who responded:
25% answered – Never, I’m a virgin
12% answered – A few times a month
62% answered- I’m in a drought
Analysis– My Savvy Sisters aren’t getting any action. What is really going on?!!
Our readers are typically between the ages of 25-45. Are there really virgins left in this age group?
Do these results shock you?
Tell me why or why not in the comments.
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I did not take the poll (although i wouldve liked to.) The problem was that my response wasn’t an option.
I have chosen to stay alone for awhile, (celibasy, i guess.) Key word ” choice”.
I decided that with all the things i want to accomplish right now, i simply do not have the time to spare for a man. This has been my longest run: 5 months. And im proud of that! I want the next man to want me because he wants to enjoy who i am for more than just the night -my skills
are the bonus! 🙂
The new issue is finding a man who can maintain MY interest… but im not even trying; it’ll happen on its own, when im ready*
ive had enough sex to last a lifetime. I am not interested like i used to be. Now I desire peace and quiet.