My Savvy Sisters Don’t Beg

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You are a perfect gift to this world. You no longer need to beg for what you want or need. You simply need to ask and expect to receive.

Your life is like a beam shining into the world. You will magnetically attract all that you require to achieve your life goals. All you have to do is put forth your very best effort with the highest intentions to serve and sit back and watch the magic.


Begging for a man to love you. If he doesn’t appreciate you, he is not meant for you.

Begging for a job to promote you. Just do your best and your promotion will come as a result of the honor you put into your work. If it does not come from your current company, it will come from another.

Begging for someone to support you. Your support is waiting for you to receive it and you won’t have to cajole or coerce them to stand with you.

Begging for acceptance. You are already acceptable just as you are. Your ‘right’ environment is waiting for you to step into it.

Begging for approval. You don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to live the life you dream of. You are capable of approving yourself. You know when you are ready and you know just what steps to take.

Begging for an opportunity. If you can’t find an opportunity to release your gifts then you must create one for yourself. Through diligence and passion, your opportunity will lead the way to your greatest life.

My Savvy Sisters don’t beg because they do not have to. They recognize their power and walk in that power every day and night. We understand that everything that belongs to us will be placed on our paths and we will step gracefully into the ownership with poise and the infinite wisdom to maintain it.

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