By Christina Fermin
Politics & Society Columnist
As the march towards the 2012 election cycle bang their drums of war, we the people must stay alert and on the defense. I Would advise to stay away from both Republican and Democratic candidates. Both parties have been purchased by Wallstreet and corporate interests, both parties have sold out the average citizen, the 99%. Due to the supreme court decision in the famous 2010 Citizen’s United case, corporations and labor unions have no limit to the amount of money they contribute to campaigns. Essentially, we the people have been sold out, it is very difficult for any one of us, or even many of us to match the donations given by special interest and lobbyists.
This one simple decision has reversed years of attempts of removing corruption from government. The year this decision was passed, the 2010 midterm elections were the most expensive elections in the history of elections, roughly $4 Billion dollars. Wow! That is a very large number for an election, never mind a midterm election. Speculators are already estimating that the 2012 election cycle will cost about $6 Billion dollars. Think about that number and what it implies. So where is this money coming from? In a 2010 study, is was discovered only 20% of corporations disclose their campaign contributions. Leaving 80% of corporations who do not disclose their campaign contributions. Out of the 20% that do, the top 3 donors of all time are:
Actblue @ $55.7 Million
AT&T @ $47.6 Million
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees @ $46.2 Million
Courtesy of Opensecrets. With numbers like these, I am scared to know what the other 80% of the numbers look like.
As 2011 comes to a closing, I would like to bring to your attention our dying country, with our dying economy. The failure of Congress is apparent and people are disgusted with what has happened to our country and our politics. Everyone understands change at this point is not only needed, it is welcomed and welcomed with open arms. If you tired of the same crap and the same argument as it is evident that is has not changed since the 1970s, we need to destroy the two party politics that has torn this country apart and sold it to the highest bidder. When November 2012 comes, whether you think your vote counts or not, make and point and make your voice heard, go to the ballot box and make sure you choose any other candidate BUT the Republican or Democrat.
To date there are several political parties out there, some of the most popular are the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, and the Progressive Party. All of which hold very strong democratic principles. Next time a political campaign with a democrat or republican come on air, shut it off or switch the channel, ignore the candidates and pay attention to the others, do some research or just endorse some of the candidates from the parties listed above. The only way to instigate change is to initiate change, in order to do this successfully we must vote the ruling parties out of office. Today’s congress is owned and operated by Wallstreet. Let 2012 be the year where the people took their country back and voted out the incumbents of Congress as well as the 2 parties who have ruled and dominated politics for over 100 years. It’s time we brought the discussion back to reality and face the real problems plaguing this country, enough of the ideological debate and more solutions to the issues we face.
About the Columnist
With a bachelors degree in political science from Florida Atlantic University, Christina Fermin has always cultivated her love for history, politics, sociology, ancient knowledge and teachings, the outdoors, the ocean and the environment. Christina strives to make our world better by helping us all create a new reality and understanding of all taking place here and now.
The number of honest politicians I can count on one hand without using my thumb. Ron Paul, though I disagree with some of his beliefs, has stayed true to his principles and has not been bought. Dennis Kucinich from Ohio is another one. he still lives in the little house he bought 30 years ago for $19K. And there’s Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont. And no longer in office I would like to include Jesse Ventura. That’s about it. All the rest, I say VOTE NO INCUMBENTS, except for these rare men I have mentioned.