5 Ways To Renew your Career

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When you wake up and roll your eyes before getting out of bed, annoyed by the thought that you have to go to work, it is a clear signal that it is time for a rebirth. My Savvy Sisters aren’t stagnant for long. Everything has its season and when your mood begins to change to one of discontentment concerning your career it is definitely time for a new approach. Try one of these tips to give your career a re boost.

Offer an Extension – For every mundane task there is a way to twirk it that will bring much needed value. If you are a teacher, offer to teach a new course that complements what you are teaching. If you are a sales person try offering a new product. If you have written a book, develop a website that explores the characters and extends the storyline. Every career is multi faceted and there is always an option to offer more than what you have been giving.

Upgrade- If you are tired of what you are doing then it may be time to go after that promotion or find a new company. A new position will not only boost your resume and star power, but it will also bring with the excitement of new challenges and new and interesting people.

Revitalize Your Hobby – There’s something that you do in your spare time that makes your soul tingle. Turn that into a profitable business by either offering courses on how to do it or doing it for others while they pay you. You’ve been practicing it enough. You don’t need any more credentials. You can do it. Start now. You could probably write a book about it and that’s actually a great idea!

Start Over – For My Savvy Sisters who know they can create success in any area they choose it may be time to fly the coop and try something totally new. It’s no problem to start at the bottom again in a new career because you’ve gained enough experience to quickly catapult you to the top. Try the career you’ve been fantasizing about. If you are financially set and can afford to take the risk, go ahead and be a waitress if that idea tickles you. Go back to school and get a few psychology degrees if everyone tells you that you should be a therapist. Move to a new city. The prospects are limitless. It’s not about power and prestige once you’ve already attained it; it’s about living out ALL of your dreams. Go ahead and have fun with it!

Bring Love Into The Equation– So maybe you can’t change jobs right now and that’s okay too. How about spicing up your career by developing a new love interest that is centered around your career. If you are an accountant you can ask yourself, “Who owns the biggest accounting firm in my area? Is he single?” If you are going to date you should always date someone who can teach you something that will add value to your career goals. Go out and mingle with the people you admire. Rub elbows with men who already own their own businesses. Fall in love with someone who will help raise your stock. Go ahead. He’s waiting.

For My Savvy Sisters: Have you ever had to reinvent your career? How did you do it?

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