Say YES: Thoughts & New Ideas

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Today is the beginning of a remarkable time in your life because today is the first day that you are going to embrace the thoughts that have been floating around in your head and learn how to say YES to them.

There are ideas that come to you as subtly as a feather floating by and landing on your shoulder. These ideas may not always seem consistent with what you believe you are capable of so you disregard them as you chuckle and move on with your day.

Today I want you to acknowledge these ideas aloud when they come into your mind. They sound like a whisper, a firm word of instruction, yet they never give you all the details as to how to carry out these instructions. That’s okay, you don’t need them. Once you acknowledge the ideas that your subconscious is planting in your mind then you will begin to notice all the ways in which you can make them come to life. These ideas are like a magic whisper from your FUTURE SELF guiding you to toward your best life.

There are also those thoughts that surface that cause you to feel badly about your life or circumstances. You may tend to criticize yourself a lot or relive situations that cause you to feel sad or angry and I want you to say YES to these thoughts too. You can acknowledge the thought without giving it emotional energy and without beating yourself up because you have them.

Mindful meditation is a way to help with this process. It is a form of meditation that doesn’t require you to lay down or be in a trance state. With mindful meditation, it’s just you and your thoughts. You acknowledge each thought and then move on to the next one, understanding that none of your thoughts define you or dictate your future.

My shirt is dirty.

I don’t have money for lunch.

That guy is cute.

I have to move on from this place.

When you find yourself moving from thought to thought and you learn not to follow them with emotional energy then you can achieve equilibrium in your spirit. The truth of the matter is, we each choose our emotions by the thoughts we choose to dwell on.

When you dwell on any thought long enough, you stir up the emotion that it evokes. If you learn to acknowledge your thoughts, accept them, salute them and let them go, you will no longer be a slave to your emotions.

Say YES to new ideas today and then watch how the path to making them come true lays itself out for you.

Say YES to any thought you have today and then let them go, understanding that you do not have to be a slave to them or the emotions they evoke.

Say YES!

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