EDITORIAL: Corruption Exposed!

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By Christina Fermin

Politics & Society Columnist

While the media focused its frenzy on the royal wedding and the death of Osama bin Laden, Wikileaks published one of the most threatening findings underway at the federal level of government. For those of who do not know about the international non-profit organization, Wikileaks publishes private, classified secret information submitted by news sources and whistleblowers. The document can be found here http://wikileaks.ch/cable/2005/01/05OTTAWA268.html, between Ottawa, Canada and Washington D.C. created January 28, 2005. Barely reported by the media and unacknowledged by the White House, pushed aside as a conspiracy theory, I believe this memo proves otherwise.

This cable that was released for the American people to view, is about the secret workings of the creation of a North American Union. The memo talks about the economic and security benefits of integrating the north american continent; Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. The memo also mentions how this idea “should not be oversold” to the public in fear of retaliation, rather than it mentions how they could achieve this by taking an “incremental approach to integration.” Once economist can establish a single market, the cable mentions creating a single currency, such as the Euro, or as the conspiracy theorists called it the Amero.

This memo goes into further detail how integration is already occurring with the passage of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which set up free trade between Mexico, Canada the United States, in 1994. Along with other bilateral and unilateral actions that have been taken by each countries governments. The memo covers process, border vs. perimeter, border risks, labor markets, regulation, customs union and currency union. With congressman Ron Paul warning the American people during the Bush years about this behind the scenes event taking place, it was his outspoken attitude that alerted the people and allowed the people to stall the construction of the NAFTA superhighway, which was suppose to start construction in 2007.

What this memo indicates is that our government, the men and women we elect to honor and protect our country and our constitution have betrayed us. The America that we were taught about in history class does not exist any longer, in place we have a hijacked nation being run amuck by unimaginable greed and corruption. I know it is shocking and I feel betrayed as well, but now that the truth is out we must not lose sight of what we as sovereign people must do to protect our freedoms and liberties. It is now obvious that our elected officials do not have our best interests at mind.

So what can we do? First and foremost 2012 elections are around the corner as the contenders begin bashing it out on debates and town hall appearances. Do not be fooled, we must be the educated voter when going to the polls, instead of voting on party lines or voting for who has the best commercials, it is time we do our research on who these people are, who is funding their campaign, where did they come from and what are their interests in taking office. We need to elect people that want to help with the advancement of civilization and assist in creating a peaceful society. We need to elect officials that are willing to stand up to Corporate behemoths, greed and corruption. We need to elect officials who are not afraid to regulate markets and end the wars. We need people that will help reclaim our once great nation and take charge against the powers that be. As the old world begins to crumble, what role will you take to help shape our future?

Peace & Harmony,


About the Columnist

With a bachelors degree in political science from Florida Atlantic University, Christina Fermin has always cultivated her love for history, politics, sociology, ancient knowledge and teachings, the outdoors, the ocean and the environment. Christina strives to make our world better by helping us all create a new reality and understanding of all taking place here and now.

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Comments (2)

  1. Anonymous May 10, 2011
  2. NoSocialism.com July 11, 2011

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