By Christina Fermin
Politics & Society Columnist
Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a revolutionary of his time. Dr. King is famous for his well known ‘I have a dream’ speech that spoke of equality and justice. If you have not heard his speech or do not know more than that famous line, I suggest you take 15 minutes and listen to his visionary speech (here). During that time Dr. King was fighting against oppression, intolerance and hate against blacks. Today we live his dream and we can celebrate equality amongst minorities, especially blacks. While we today live closer to Dr. King’s dream than we did in 1963, we still have ceilings to break and hurdles to go through.
Today I have a new dream that I would like to share with you. A dream that I hope will stir something deep inside of you and open you up to the possibilities. I dream that we the people will stand to rise against the machine that represses us. I dream of equality amongst all people in the world to rise and stand up against injustice, repression and intolerance. I dream that the people will stand up to corporations that the supreme court has judged to be people. I dream that the banks will be brought to their knees and the people will gain their homes back and the illegal debt that we are held to will be deemed illegal and unconstitutional and all debt will be wiped clean.
I have a vision, that one day free energy will be released and the truth about life outside of planet Earth will be revealed. In this vision I see a world that cooperates rather than competes with one another. I see the drums of war being retired and all our children returning home to their moms, dads, husband, wives and children. I envision an age of peace, cooperation and joy. One day there will no longer be separation of classes, capitalism will deemed unsustainable and money will be seen as a means of oppression. Rather than work to stay alive, people will be allowed to live and dream and let live. Freedom will reign throughout the Earth and our age of glory will finally arrive.
In this vision, I see technology and the people cleaning up the Earth, restoring the forests and wetlands. Replenishing the oceans and renewing our drinking water. I see a century of destruction being reversed as best we can and the power of real technology being released, not to help us destroy the Earth, but the help in curbing climate change and greenhouse gases. I envision all of us to treat one another and all the species of this great planet with respect, love and equality. I envision starvation and human suffering to be unacceptable and something of the past. One day the truth about the few who rule will be brought to light and the robber-barons will be brought to justice.
I envision this dream everyday. I pray that the people will wake up and realize who the oppressors are. One day it will be realized that the American dream isn’t really a dream, its a fantasy that plays on capitalism surviving. The real dream lies within the individual to realize their potential in carrying out this dream. I dream that one day, televisions will be shut off, people will one day not go to work and instead, the people will go marching. Marching straight to the White House, Parliament, the Castles and corporate headquarters and shout: Your time is finished, we are here to establish peace, tranquility, equality, justice and the rights that you have denied. Will you take part in this dream?
About the Columnist
With a bachelors degree in political science from Florida Atlantic University, Christina Fermin has always cultivated her love for history, politics, sociology, ancient knowledge and teachings, the outdoors, the ocean and the environment. Christina strives to make our world better by helping us all create a new reality and understanding of all taking place here and now.