Te-Erika’s Diary: 7 Types of Women Who Get On My Nerves

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I respect all women but some of them, I just can’t stand to be around. I think it’s fair for me to say this even though I am a women’s empowerment leader because the majority of common women can’t stand to be around me either- for now.

It’s just a matter of time before they change their tune when they see that knowing me will benefit them in the future but you had better believe, I won’t change my mind about these 7 types of women that get the fuck on my last fucking nerve and make me want to fucking slap them in the face.


1. Women who need to look better than every woman in the room.


2. Women who eat anything they want without caring about how it impacts their bodies.


3. Women who say, “I just want to be married.”


4. Women who go to a party and spend the entire time floating from person to person talking and laughing and making friends. 


5. Women who are late all the time.


6. Women who need a second opinion on everything they do.


7. Women who can’t go anywhere or do anything without having someone with them.

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