ADVICE: My Boyfriend Calls Me A Slut In Bed What Do I Do?

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[box] Dear Te-Erika, This may sound a little bit crazy but I don’t know how to feel about it. Last year I met a man at work and we hit it off but I kept him at a distance until just this past month. I do like him a lot and I know he likes me and the relationship has turned sexual BUT- when we have sex he calls me a slut, a whore and a bitch and he pulls my hair too!

I have never experienced anything like this before and sometimes I wonder if I should stop him but outside of the bedroom he never talks to me like that is a sweetheart and a gentleman and treats me very well. Why is he calling me a slut and should I be upset? I really don’t know how to feel.  ~ Baltimore[/box]


Hey Baltimore,

I can see why this is causing you a bit of confusion. In this society we are taught that names like slut, whore and bitch are derogatory and should not be accepted from men under any circumstances. These words were created by men to try to shame women into not enjoying the very thing that men most crave from us. The truth is, these words are powerless unless we give them power.

So, with that said allow me to address your questions. Why is your boyfriend calling you a slut in the bedroom? Well, it’s quite simple. He is your agent of freedom. There is nothing wrong with being a slut if that is what turns you on. By calling you a slut and a whore, he is inviting you to be the dirty nasty bitch you are inside and to completely enjoy your sexual experience without the self condemnation that many women carry over sex.

When he calls you a slut, he cares about you and wants you to be free to enjoy his dick as much as you want to without any restrictions. His words call to your innate sexual being and unshackles it from the constraints of being a lady that this society demands.


When he calls you a slut, FEEL THAT SHIT!


OWN IT! Be the sluttiest you can be with him!


And when you leave the bedroom you don’t have to be a slut anymore- unless you want to. But thank him for giving you the space to enjoy the gift of your body and sexual pleasure to the fullest, while you still can. No one is judging you but you. Your bedroom is your domain- REIGN.



For more advice or wisdom write to Advice[at]MySavvySisters.Com

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Comments (2)

  1. Bianca November 14, 2014
  2. Christina September 17, 2015

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