ADVICE: My Boyfriend Keeps Accusing Me of Cheating

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Hey Te-Erika,

I need some real grown up advice about what to do with this man. I am a faithful woman and he keeps accusing me of cheating on him, asking me if I have been with this guy or that guy. I keep telling him no but he says his last girl was caught on video running a train with a bunch of dudes so he thinks I will do it too. He says all of his past girls were hoes and I am not. We are not actually ‘official’ but we were talking about it. I can’t seem to get him to trust me so I don’t know where this is going. What do you think?



 ♦ ♦ ♦

Dear Annoyed,

Your ‘friend’ is clearly a closet cuckhold. He enjoys being with women who are promiscuous with other men. That is why he pretends to complain about all of his past girlfriends being ‘hoes’.  His complaints are merely instructions for you. He wants you to sleep with other men but he does not have the guts to come right out and ask you to do it. It turns him on so much to think about it and that is why he brings it up so much.

To find out if this is his kink, while you are having sex, start talking dirty to him. Tell him that you want to see him with another female. Then gauge his reaction. Then ask him if he’d like to watch you be with another dude. Describe how the guy would touch you and suck you. Remember to do this WHILE you’re having sex. If he stops having sex with you then it bothers him, if he doesn’t, this is his ultimate turn on.

You don’t have to actually do it to get him turned on, talking about it during sex is good enough for most men. You can also try being out with him in public and noticing another guy and saying under your breath that he is hot. If your boyfriend notices you, gently place your hand on his penis. If it is getting hard then it turns him on.

There is nothing wrong with being a cuckhold. The problem arises when a man does not admit it and pretends to be angry about it. If you can accept this kink then you may be able to stay together forever, otherwise it’s going to be a long fight filled relationship, which may be another one of his kinks. He could be turned on by fighting with his lover. If you can accept it and hang with it, go ahead, if not, you can walk away at any time.

All My Best,




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