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My birthday is today.

I enjoyed the first half of my day because I spent it smiling and making this video.

The rest of the day was spent chasing an internet connection because the man I’ve been sharing a space with said he is fed up with my personality and complained to the owner that he can’t stand being near me.

That made me laugh more than anything.

Although I HAVE complained about him on this blog, I haven’t told too many more people about it besides my sister. I know I’m a bit MUCH. I spend a lot of time correcting his ass because he talks so much shit about everyone and I don’t want to hear it.

The owner of the shelter is such a diplomat. I felt so stupid and petty standing in his office explaining why I cursed that man out because he called that woman a piece of shit retarded bitch. The woman is long gone and we’ll never see her again so she’ll never know how much she was discussed after she left but I just couldn’t take it anymore

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