I’m feeling all kinds of emotions right now.
I have so much to do before June 6th’s job fair.
I need to:
Order a sign
Make awards
Buy frames
Find a host or hosts
Buy table clothes/centerpieces
Continue follow up calls
Write a press release with updated information
Find a photographer
Find someone to donate a sound system for the day
Plan the agenda/program
Finish the profiles of women I collected
And I have to plan for the next phase of my project.
My intuition tells me I am going to leave Florida. This is my time to go out and find my opportunity of a lifetime. I guess I could stay and get a regular job in an office but after searching for jobs for women who want work, I know that taking a job like that won’t provide the longevity I seek or the satisfaction. I’m tired of starting over. I’m excellent at it yet, I’m longing for the real thing. What is that? I have no idea.
I have too many talents. I can do many things. I have not found the opportunities to expand and expose my gifts here in South Florida so I have to search and find one somewhere else.
I have no clue. That is where the planning comes in although I know that no amount of planning can really prepare you for a risk.
WHILE I am planning the job fair, I have to do some research to figure out which cities I want to visit and where I am going to stay while I am there. This is so crazy to me and I anticipate being even lonelier than I’ve been here. Honestly, for all intents and purposes, this shelter has been my temporary home and with all of the flaws and wild things I’ve experienced here, these people have been my family.
But now it’s off into the world to see if I can find someone who is smart enough to want to use my talents in an environment that suits me so that I can take care of myself.
It looks like I’ll be hitting the road in June, as soon as the job fair is over. Maybe by this summer, I’ll have found what I have been blindly seeking. I’ll teach how to start over in a new city and how to stay motivated while you do. I do plan to continue to be a link between homeless women and the businesses who desire to help them down here in South Florida. Once the job fair is a success, most people in this city will know about my connections and if any other businesses want to serve this population of people, they can contact me and I can connect the women that have reached out to me.
This project is blowing my mind right now. I didn’t mean for it to become all of this. I didn’t mean for it to last this long. I didn’t want this, but this is what I have to do right now.
While I am out there traveling the country in creative ways I will try my best to speak about The Rebuild Your Life Project in front of women’s groups and to perform my poetry at various poetry spots in the cities I go through.
I hope that you will partner with me by offering information about the city you live in, offering to host me while I continue this empowerment outreach and if you can, sending a donation to keep me going. You can send donations to mysavvysisters@gmail.com on paypal or check the newly updated Rebuild Your Life page for more information.
I am blown away by this.
Please do send prayers and lots of positive wishes my way. I’m tired but I have to keep going.