OPINION: What is the Purpose of Life?

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The purpose of life is to CREATE a purpose for your life.

You can do this by accepting the beliefs that others have introduced to you or you can create your own beliefs. You can use your social role to create a purpose for your life or you can decide you do not want a role at all. You can allow someone else to tell you what to do in life and follow them in their selected role and purpose or you can create a role and purpose for your life.

Whatever you are doing right now, whatever you are striving for, however you define yourself, you CHOSE it, you CREATED it. You are the one doing it.

Decide something. Choose a religion and follow it. Set a goal and work toward it. Define yourself as a Mom or a teacher or a Coach.

You decide if life is about preparing for heaven or becoming as famous as you always dreamt. You decide.

The purpose of life is to CREATE a purpose for your life.


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