My Body Gallery is a WIN for Women

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There’s an awesome website that I just found called My Body Gallery. It is a collection of user uploaded photos that depict women of all shapes and sizes. You can do a search through the photos, browsing by body shape, height, weight or clothing size and find pictures of women who match your measurements.

2 Months Work Out Results Te-Erika

2 Month Difference- Lost A Few Inches

It was eye opening for me because recently I have developed a close eye on my figure. After last summer when I realized that none of my jeans fit I took a look at my body and noticed the jiggle. I still thought I was cute but one of my fantasies was to become a fit woman, a woman who worked out daily so I tried, I started walking for an hour a day and after 2 months I saw a difference in my clothes.

A change of residence led to a cozier place to live, all alone and I love it. But living alone and working from home means I munch more so I gained weight soon after moving.  I started back walking and doing exercise videos and looking in the mirror every time I pass by. I like what I see, but my clothes say that I am not back to where I was yet so I’ve been wondering if I’m just imagining how good I look.

I joined MyFitnessPal and have been logging my meals and today someone posted about My Body Gallery. When I visited there I couldn’t believe it. There were women there just my size and weight and they didn’t look bad to me!

I decided to participate in this awesome database and I uploaded a few pictures of myself at different weights so when people search they can see me in their results.

Why don’t you check out My Body Gallery and see yourself in someone else. You’ll be pleasantly surprised I’m sure.


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