Politics & Society Columnist
While the media focused its frenzy on the royal wedding and the death of Osama bin Laden, Wikileaks published one of the most threatening findings underway at the federal level of government. For those of who do not know about the international non-profit organization, Wikileaks publishes private, classified secret information submitted by news sources and whistleblowers. The document can be found here http://wikileaks.ch/cable/
This cable that was released for the American people to view, is about the secret workings of the creation of a North American Union. The memo talks about the economic and security benefits of integrating the north american continent; Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. The memo also mentions how this idea “should not be oversold” to the public in fear of retaliation, rather than it mentions how they could achieve this by taking an “incremental approach to integration.” Once economist can establish a single market, the cable mentions creating a single currency, such as the Euro, or as the conspiracy theorists called it the Amero.
This memo goes into further detail how integration is already occurring with the passage of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which set up free trade between Mexico, Canada the United States, in 1994. Along with other bilateral and unilateral actions that have been taken by each countries governments. The memo covers process, border vs. perimeter, border risks, labor markets, regulation, customs union and currency union. With congressman Ron Paul warning the American people during the Bush years about this behind the scenes event taking place, it was his outspoken attitude that alerted the people and allowed the people to stall the construction of the NAFTA superhighway, which was suppose to start construction in 2007.
What this memo indicates is that our government, the men and women we elect to honor and protect our country and our constitution have betrayed us. The America that we were taught about in history class does not exist any longer, in place we have a hijacked nation being run amuck by unimaginable greed and corruption. I know it is shocking and I feel betrayed as well, but now that the truth is out we must not lose sight of what we as sovereign people must do to protect our freedoms and liberties. It is now obvious that our elected officials do not have our best interests at mind.
So what can we do? First and foremost 2012 elections are around the corner as the contenders begin bashing it out on debates and town hall appearances. Do not be fooled, we must be the educated voter when going to the polls, instead of voting on party lines or voting for who has the best commercials, it is time we do our research on who these people are, who is funding their campaign, where did they come from and what are their interests in taking office. We need to elect people that want to help with the advancement of civilization and assist in creating a peaceful society. We need to elect officials that are willing to stand up to Corporate behemoths, greed and corruption. We need to elect officials who are not afraid to regulate markets and end the wars. We need people that will help reclaim our once great nation and take charge against the powers that be. As the old world begins to crumble, what role will you take to help shape our future?
Peace & Harmony,
About the Columnist
With a bachelors degree in political science from Florida Atlantic University, Christina Fermin has always cultivated her love for history, politics, sociology, ancient knowledge and teachings, the outdoors, the ocean and the environment. Christina strives to make our world better by helping us all create a new reality and understanding of all taking place here and now.
Great heads up article, though I would like to politely and humbly challenge one of the presuppositions made in the article:
“…What this memo indicates is that our government, the men and women we elect to honor and protect our country and our constitution have betrayed us. The America that we were taught about in history class does not exist any longer, in place we have a hijacked nation being run amuck by unimaginable greed and corruption. I know it is shocking and I feel betrayed as well, but now that the truth is out we must not lose sight of what we as sovereign people must do to protect our freedoms and liberties. It is now obvious that our elected officials do not have our best interests at mind.”
With the risk of getting into some squabble over politics or history, I find it sometimes difficult to distinguish the delusional, intelligence insulting hooey as some of the propaganda machines coming from the TEL-LIE-VISION and ‘what we were taught in history class’ ie. what America used to be. I must ask for whom is it a “shock” now? And which “now”? The historic America that invokes some sense of patriotic ‘sovereignty’ within your piece is perhaps all but a fleeting fraction of it’s existence and that for only a certain subsection of it’s population.
With all due respect and love, when I tune in to the real history outside of the box, I deem it a bit naive to state that the USA has EVER been anything other than a GREEDY TYRANT and a THUG !
This is a country who traditionally murdered the natives, commandeered the territory, enslaved and sadistically tortured and murdered African people and continued to skirt the accountability of that horrible, diabolical, psychopathic, color-coded legacy then generated a bunch (more than I’d like to think) of inane lunatics ( consensus being attributed to internet comments on articles pertaining to issues within the African American community or from the right wing crazy bootlicking audiences of the FOX or MSNBC dunderheads) who now snidely tell the progeny of “those people”, who still by and large suffer from serious institutional racism and white privilege malfeasance, to just “get over it” or in relation to some more of the hit-home effects of the economic problems that the dominant culture now faces: ‘now, we’ve been betrayed!’.
These phrases are what I hear from alot of ignorantly nostalgic white folks and yet people of color have all along been expressing these outrages at the blatant ‘hijacking’ of decency and human rights with the obvious racial/class disparities that are alive and kicking from ever since they set shackled foot on this country’s shores.
What used to be is exactly what is so problematic for me, for most people of color today. It was NEVER nice for those nameless African souls who were never accounted for by their “significant other” overlords back in the day. To the folks in my neck of the woods more rampant, In-Your-Face and out-of- the-closet white supremacy is what USA used to be!
I really become upset when I see a lot of silly white folks (I do not mean you) who love time because they foolishly believe that time forgets and heals all by itself.
You are surely correct that it is all coming to a head now with the very obvious criminal minority who managed (for well over 150 years now) to be clever enough to consolidate their powers into the perilous corporate culprit that now towering over everything, poisoning and polluting and pillaging!
I agree with brother Jerimiah Wright
God (or The Force if you prefer) DAMN The USA of yesterday and today !
The chickens are home! Welcome to my neighboorhood, America!
I seriously doubt that Anonymous even knows the history of the U.S.A.
I’ll leave ONE example, because he’s obviously black.
Who was the FIRST man in the U.S. to Sue for the RIGHT to own a slave?
It was Anthony Johnson, a BLACK man. Why you ask, would a Black Man SUE to own slaves?
In his GREED, He didn’t like the fact that at the time, except for Massachusetts, the Colonies didn’t recognize slaves. In Virginia, as in most of the Colonies, they instead recognized Indentured Servitude.
Her’s how it worked, You would pay the cost of a Non Christian to come to the Colonies, in return that person would be your indentured Servant for 7 years. After the 7 years were over, you paid for that person to get an acre of land and a mule and your contract with that person would be up.
Most indentured servants came from Europe, but since he bought this slave, John Casor from a Slave Merchant, he successfully argued that this person was in bondage to him for life.
Little did he realize that he had set in motion a precedent that would be used to enslave millions of his own kinsmen for two centuries to come.