I found your site at random while viewing news. I read the article & thankfully found your website. I have to tell you that I’ve been absolutely hooked since then! Its only been a week but this is a site I KNOW I’ll continue to read for as long as its there!
I’m extremely grateful for this site. I cant begin to explain the importance to me and how important it could be to so many more women out there, if they only knew it existed, but I know the news will spread and what a blessing it will be to so many!
I know where u are, where you’ve been, as I can relate first hand. I would absolutely LOVE to contribute to your site. I too am in a place in my life where many changes have occurred & continue. But I know that it is God calling me to a different place in life; a place where I can understand where other women are and have been so that I will one day be able to help them. I’m not sour about life because i can see the Lord’s reasoning and I understand it, so I’m actually grateful even while others look down on me. I know I have overcome what many could not; and I know I will continue to prevail through any & all trials!
I have many stories for you, but I’d like to separate them ad turn them into stories of inspiration for others, even though I’m not yet…at my “top” but because I have survived; I’m not a victim; I am a vessel and I will allow the lord to do his work through me.*
I would love to be able to speak with you one day. I would absolutely love to meet you. You are an incredible inspiration to me and to many others.
Thank you, thank you for sharing your experiences and the wisdom you gain along the way. I am no longer ashamed or embarrassed to share my experiences with others who may be searching for just that story on your site. I thank YOU for that!!
Ms. Liz