8 Reasons Why Women Give Up On Relationships

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If you’ve ever met a woman who has been single for an extended period of time and claims that she is single by choice – believe her. Not every woman’s idea of ‘the good life’ includes a wedding band and a stroller.  Whether you decide that she’s a sad, bitter woman or that she’s experienced enlightenment, your opinion doesn’t really matter.

A woman can make a decision and change her mind if she wants to. In this case, if she says she doesn’t want a romantic relationship and she doesn’t have a relationship it is very likely that she has other plans for her life.

If you are a woman who has decided to give up on relationships and you’re satisfied with your decision, we applaud you and we don’t judge you. In the meantime

You May Have Given Up On Relationships Because…

1. You realize that the benefits of a relationship don’t outweigh the pain.


2. You understand that a man is not the prize.


3. You have decided that having a family and children is not really what you want from life.

4. You understand that relationships are a distraction from your other goals.

5. You don’t need help.

6. You have fulfilling friendships.


7. You understand that you can’t make it happen so you don’t try to and you don’t feel pressured about it.

8. Your life is already fantastic.


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