MySavvySisters.Com is the world’s leading empowerment website for women. We provide the resources, information and inspiration you need to survive and thrive in life.
Our women’s empowerment outreaches will shake you at your core, providing challenging exercises which provoke extreme moments of self awareness which will stir you toward your path to enlightenment.
On September 1, 2011, MySavvySisters will begin yet another empowerment outreach to women- The Say YES Challenge: 30 Days of Non Resistance.
During the Say YES Challenge you can follow me, the publisher of MySavvySisters.Com as I attempt to say YES to everything life has to offer.
This challenge will help you in many different ways. You will learn to:
- Release anxiety about not being in control.
- Explore new opportunities that present themselves.
- Make peace with ‘what is’.
- Learn to look forward to your next adventure.
- See obstacles as opportunities for growth.
From September 1st through September 30th I will post videos on our youtube channel and write detailed accounts of things that I have to say YES to.
I will Say YES to things like:
- New experiences
- New people who want to be a part of my life
- Obstacles (I will accept them and try to see the beauty in them)
- New opportunities that present themselves
- People who no longer want to be a part of my life
- New ideas
The Say YES Challenge is not about being a doormat. You will know which things to Say YES to. Say YES to those things that push you out of your comfort zone and force you to try a new approach. Say YES to people who are kind to you but are not ordinarily your type of friend. Say YES to situations and opportunities that seem to be ending.
Whatever happens- accept it and try to focus on how it could benefit you. Say YES!
Please do share your journey with the rest of My Savvy Sisters in comments on this blog or our youtube channel.
Learn to Say YES and see what happens when you begin to understand that life is a GIFT and not a curse and everything that happens, is a gift to you.