My Savvy Sisters is a mental health and wellness blog offering practical advice to guide women through life’s trickiest circumstances.
Hello! I am Te-Erika Patterson. I am 37 years old and I am from Miami, Florida. I am currently living in Los Angeles, California as I film The Rebuild Your Life Project- Los Angeles, a women’s empowerment outreach that teaches how to navigate relocating to a new city and starting over in life. As a journalist I have contributed thought provoking articles to The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, Mom.Me, Forbes.Com, Entrepreneur.Com, The Miami Herald, Elite Daily, Your Tango and many more publications.
I am an extremely resourceful woman who has dedicated my time to healing and guiding women with my unique wisdom and ability to maneuver well during a crisis.
I created my first blog in 2003 and in it I shared my personal journey after graduating from college as a single mom with two sons. I became really good at solving problems and managing crisis situations because I found myself fighting through so many of them and I always pulled through.
On February 13, 2011, I began My Savvy Sisters by posting every trick, resource and transformational philosophy I had created and discovered over the years as I struggled as a single mom and fumbled trying to build my career as a journalist and writer. I invited other women to share their success stories as I share my unique insights and survival strategies both mental and physical with women who desire to become more SAVVY in life.
Years after graduating from The University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a BS in Journalism, I was finally able to fuse my skills as a writer, blogger and journalist with the wisdom I gained from studying Marriage/Family Counseling as a graduate student. The blog you are reading has helped thousands of women to celebrate their lives and transition from poor mental health to attitudes that promote progress. My women’s empowerment outreach, The Rebuild Your Life Project, has been a life changing inspiration to women.
Women from around the world write to me thanking me for the time I have put into cultivating the unique philosophies I present and the other valuable resources I offer like emotional crisis counseling sessions and grants for women. I have also benefited from being able to interview some of the most amazing female entrepreneurs who are willing to share their secrets to success.
My Savvy Sisters supports women by teaching:
- Personal crisis management
- How to stop being a victim
- How to heal emotional wounds
- How to let go of misery
- How to laugh at life
- How to become an entrepreneur
- How to trust yourself
- How to survive life transitions
- How to relate to the people in your life
- How to handle daily emotional issues
- How to accept yourself completely
- How to celebrate your unique life choices even when no one else does
As a bonus I also offer financial assistance for women in need and original words of inspiration from a perspective you won’t find anywhere else.
My life perspective is still evolving. I haven’t arrived anywhere different than you may be mentally; I still struggle with social anxiety and I have a lot to learn about cultivating healthy relationships. I promise to continue to work through my issues and allow you to follow along if you promise not to laugh.

My sons Solomon and SaiDON.
Grow with me as I present all the ways I managed to keep my sanity and dodge being devastated by life’s inconsistencies. Browse through more than 1000 original articles and videos created to inspire and sustain you. Become one of My Savvy Sisters by sharing your life story and survival skill set with the rest of the Sisterhood. We would love to celebrate you!
Please take the time to peruse my Youtube channel with more than 800 inspirational and intriguing videos.
This blog is a labor of love for you. Every grant awarded is given from my savings from my tips and wages as a waitress. One day I hope that this blog will become my primary business, but for now your donations keep me caffeinated and happy so that I can keep writing!
Feel free to BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE if you are inspired by the content you find here.
If you ever need to reach me, I will make myself available. I am your support.
All My Best Wishes!
9 Things You Might (Not) Want To Know About Te-Erika
1. As a child my favorite make believe games: Pretending I was a waitress, a teacher, a television anchor and an award presenter.
2. I was born July 2, 1979, the day the funk died.
3. I used to perform tarot readings by email.
4. My favorite movie is The Man From Earth.
5. My favorite color is the color of my skin.
6. When I make a wish, it always comes true.
7. Jaleel White was my childhood celebrity crush.
8. I believe I have a mild form of autism called Aspergers Syndrome.
9. There is a picture of me in a bikini somewhere on this blog.
Reach Out To Me:
On Twitter: My Personal Twitter
On Google Plus: CIRCLE ME HERE
On Facebook: My Personal Fan Page is HERE
Congratulations my Nubian Queen. I am a Savvy Brother who never reads blogs. I’m glad I recently came across your BRILLIANT (2014) Huffington Post RESPONSE to Madame Noire’s fear mongering article to Black women on “How To Spot Down Low Men”. Your light, life & journalistic prowess are a blessing to your sons & all Black women !
Wow – so impressive. Ms Te-Erika. I ‘ve spent the last two hours just reading all about you and the amazing work you are doing, Bravo! Please reach out to me directly as we have connected on another site but I think this is better. I’m working on dating website.
Wonderful that Women have You to mentor and help them , kindness regards from a recent subscriber to Your YouTube channels
I’m not sure why you popped in my mind today, but you have amazed me. Amazed! I couldn’t believe how many people didn’t get your project and allowed themselves to speak such thoughtless remarks. I suppose those are the people who don’t understand this is the only life we get to live which sometimes requires making unconventional decisions, like leaving your children behind to improve yourself. I’m so glad you “chose life,” your life that matters so much.
Funny thing, the more I listened to your brilliant ideas, I thought “Aspie” and was surprised to find that you believed the same. That anxiety sure sucks, but as they say, “the world would still be in the Stone Age if it wasn’t for the creative and brilliant minds of the Aspie population.”
Thank you for thinking outside of the box and for continuing to be one of my heroes.
Wow! So I’m going through some crazy and scary changes in my life right now and just felt the push to get rid of everything and finally move to LA but I was terrified to go out there with barely any money and resources and wasn’t sure if I was just being too rash and quick about such a big life decision so I googled “how I made it in la broke and alone” just randomly trying to get some type of advice or a sign or a game plan or ANYTHING really. The first thing that popped up was your adventure and I AM SO THANKFUL! I feel like it was a sign and even more of a push and I feel like I’m gonna be able to do it and it’s going to be a huge learning experience and an opportunity for immense GROWTH in my young life. Thank you!!
My heart goes out to you, your mom,your sons and the rest of your family during Hurricane Irma.
Much Love.
i am planning to make this move very soon and i’m so happy i found this blog. i’m currently watching your youtube series. thank you so much. hope to connect with you in person one day. blessings!
You disabled your YouTube comments, but please know, there are people paying attention to you and care about you. You are not “invisible”. It doesn’t matter if we are strangers, it is more important that our heart is in the right place. Virtual Hug. Stay encouraged. Though you may have struggles, you are a very blessed person.
My name is Kris. I am a Deaf actress who been looking forward to move to Los Angeles no matter how much I have left in my bank . I know there are ways to afford to live there. It’s my experience that is holding me back from moving there. Until I saw this blog, It makes my heart beats so fast. I want to have an advice from you if It is possible. I want to say thank you so much for this blog and sharing your experiences.
Hi. Join the group on Facebook to meet others who are living your dream of moving to LA :