NEWS: Tornadoes Devastate the South

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Berlyne Julmis

News Coordinator

Tornadoes Devastate the South

Raging tornadoes attack the south leaving 16 people dead; hammering Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Oklahoma in their wake. Many are injured and an extensive amount of damage is apparent in each of these states.

Including mobile homes 18,000 residents lost power in Tuscaloosa, Alabama when a twister touched down at nearby Shelton State College. Governor Bentley of Alabama declared a state of emergency for the state.

In Mississippi it was reported that four twisters hit the area in a 4 to 6 hour span. Crews are working diligently to clear debris, provide shelter to those who are now homeless, and restore power to many. Fourteen counties in Mississippi have been declared in a state of emergency.

In Oklahoma five destructive twisters made their way through the state claiming lives. Twisters were also reported in Tennessee, Louisiana, and Georgia.

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