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WilshireIs it time for you to make your move? Are you thinking about moving to Los Angeles?

You’ve found the right place for inspiration and information to make your move the best move you’ve ever made.

I moved to Los Angeles with less than $200 and I have survived to tell the story. In fact, I moved to Los Angeles without ever having visited here and I had no friends or family here to welcome me and help me get started.

My journey is chronicled on my Youtube channel and you can WATCH every moment I share as I continue to rebuild my life in Los Angeles.

My goal is to inspire you to stand up for your dream by not being afraid to take a risk and relocate, if that is what you need to do right now. You’ve watched me as I planned my move, overcome obstacles, made it to LA and fumbled in the city all alone. Learn from from my mistakes and be inspired by the wisdom I’ve gained by joining Moving To Los Angeles on Facebook to keep up with the latest videos from my journey including 50 Original Moving To LA Stories (Currently In Progress).

There are no excuses for being afraid of starting over in life because I have shown you how to navigate all of the trickiest circumstances. Take a risk to rebuild your life and you just might fall in love with Los Angeles like I did.


If you have a question about moving to Los Angeles:

LIKE my Facebook fan page- Moving To Los Angeles 

JOIN my Google Plus Community for Moving To Los Angeles if you want to meet others who are planning to move to Los Angeles as well.

 WATCH my journey by subscribing to The Rebuild Your Life Project-Los Angeles on Youtube.

Say Hello on Twitter at Moving To La Today.




The Rebuild Your Life Project- Los Angeles Grant For Women

In the coming months, I’ll be giving away a $4,000 grant to a woman in Los Angeles who has moved here to rebuild her life. The criteria to apply for the grant are:

1) Must be a female (or living as a female, transgender)
2) Must be over the age of 25.
3) Must have relocated to Los Angeles and have lived here for at least one year and no more than 5 years.
4) Must be willing to share her story of HOW she managed to move, take care of herself (and family members if necessary) WHY she decided to rebuild her life in Los Angeles, her goals for her life and how she will spend the $4,000.
5) Any race or nationality
6) Must be single and independent (unmarried or not living with a romantic partner).
To DONATE to the Rebuild Your Life Project Grant use paypal at MySavvySisters[at]Gmail.Com,  Donate by GoFundMe. or read more about how the project began at The Rebuild Your Life Project page.


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Get started by watching these videos and then SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel to follow the rest of my journey.

All my best wishes for a smooth transition, but, as you’ll soon learn, life doesn’t end when plans unravel.

Te-Erika Patterson

Publisher, My Savvy Sisters