How To Keep A Man

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Forget everything you’ve read about the tricks you need to try to keep a man interested. Those are games and we are grown women. We do not have time for games. In order to attract your soul mate or attract men who are genuinely interested in you, you must understand these 4 principles.

1) In order to keep ANYTHING or ANYONE you must be willing to lose it. This means that you do not place “keeping them/it” above pleasing yourself. You are the most important one in the relationship. Your happiness counts the MOST. If you are with someone and they know that you won’t compromise your happiness to keep them they will respect you and want you more. Do not “try” to keep him. If he wants to leave, let him go.

2) Live your best life. Go after your dreams. Don’t wait for the other person to want to join the party. Party by yourself. When someone you are with sees that you have a full, fun and exciting life and can live it WITHOUT them, they want to join in. In other words, do the things that make you happy all the time and do not allow any other person to be your primary source of happiness.

3) Be yourself. If you feel like being a bitch then be one. If you feel like being nice then be nice. The person who is meant for you will be able to appreciate ALL of you. If they can’t appreciate you then they are not meant for you.

 4) Let him put in effort. I’m not saying play games and pretend you’re busy when you’re not. The main point is: Do not try to lead the relationship. A man knows what he wants and will hate being given ultimatums or being pressured. Men like to feel like they are the ones who come up with the good ideas, unless you have a submissive man. If you have a submissive man you must lead him because he won’t know how to lead the relationship.You’ll need to train him.


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Comments (2)

  1. Gail August 27, 2015
    • Gail August 27, 2015

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