By Christina Fermin
Society & Politics Columnist
Recently there was a report in the media about an Afghan woman who had been raped by a family member. She kept it a secret until she found out weeks later that she was pregnant. When she came out with the truth, the police arrested both the woman and her perpetrator. The crime: Adultery. In Afghanistan women have very little rights and when a crime is committed against a woman, usually both the man and woman go to jail, or in some cases just the woman. In Afghanistan out of the 300 women in prison, 200 are there because of “moral crimes.” The woman received a 2 year sentence which was increased to 12 years when she appealed. Her attacker received a 12 year sentence, but was decreased to 7 years when he appealed.
Recently the government came out saying that if she married her attacker, she would be pardoned. This goes to show how in some parts of the world, there are some serious issues to be dealt with, especially when it comes to women’s rights. While the rights of women have excelled in the last few decades in some parts of the world, there are still some serious hurdles to cover. Women have not achieved equality in any country. While we should not look past our own achievements, we should not forget about the women across the world. Women who look to us for support; women who, around the world, are standing up and fighting again. While many may point to the Middle East, I must remind you, this is a problem that happens worldwide and not just any particular region, religion or culture.
For years women were seen as inferior and recently men and women are realizing women are not inferior, we are different. We are good at different things and view things differently. We bring a valuable perspective to the table, one that men often times do not think of. Aside from viewing things differently, we are wired differently. Yes science has proven this to us. What they fail to mention is that while men may be physically stronger than women, that’s really the only thing. Women have proven time and time again this last century that we can do anything and everything a man can do. Sometimes better. Now let’s be clear, I’m not bashing on anyone. I am just simply pointing out the issues we face. During times when here in the West, we celebrate women’s rights and achievements, there are other parts of the world where women are not allowed to drive, cannot go out in public without a male escort, seen as property, not heard, abused, mutilated, denied education, and the list goes on to the horrors and atrocities committed against women every day, even here in the West.
While we in America and parts of Europe may have laws protecting women and share some equal rights, I must remind you that 70% of the world’s poor are women and 2/3 of the nearly 1 billion illiterate adults are women. So before we break out the champagne and celebrate, let us not forget about the women in Africa, South America, the Middle East and Asia who need us to be their voice. A women’s issue elsewhere becomes a women’s issue everywhere. Women will never truly be free until we ensure that women everywhere are protected, respected and represented. What can women do to help other women? Education is fundamental to overcoming these hurdles, aside from being educated, we as women need to be more involved politically. If it wasn’t for the women in the early part of the 20th century getting involved politically, women’s suffrage (the right for women to vote and hold office) could never have happened.
Women’s empowerment is directly related to economic opportunity, security, social development and effective governance – all political issues. Politics are not everyone’s interest, but women’s rights and change can only be initiated if we involve ourselves directly with the people we elect into office. United we are impenetrable. How else have the rights of blacks, women and minorities have achieved success but through political action? While we break through the glass ceiling here in the US, let’s not forget we have to raise the ceiling elsewhere.
With a bachelor’s degree in political science from Florida Atlantic University, Christina Fermin has always cultivated her love for history, politics, sociology, ancient knowledge and teachings, the outdoors, the ocean and the environment. Christina strives to make our world better by helping us all create a new reality and understanding of all taking place here and now.