Allyson Tomchin Shares The Power of Letting Go

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“Sometimes you have to know what to hold on to and what to let go.” ~Allyson Tomchin

What do you do when you’re awake at night wondering how you’ll afford to keep your lights on? You can’t keep asking Mom for money, and you don’t know where your next dollar is coming from. How do you get out of a job that’s not fulfilling your expectations to pursue the career you know you are destined flourish in?

Allyson Tomchin was faced with such a predicament. Working in social services she had an inkling she was following her destiny but being employed by a government program made it difficult for her to focus on making a difference in people’s lives.

“I worked for a bureaucracy in social services and when you are in, you don’t really know better,” Allyson remembers. “It annoyed me that it took me 10 months just to get construction paper for a gang prevention after school program.”

Often times Allyson would have to pay for things with her own money to keep the program running smoothly. Her frustration led to her desire to create and operate her own private practice as a family mediator. This summer she celebrated 10 years in business. She has earned a solid reputation as a professional who works with the highest conflict divorce cases in Broward County Florida.

With the support of her mother, family and friends, Allyson was able to start her own practice with a 2 year-old daughter in tow all the while dealing with the after shocks of a divorce.

“I am a true social worker,” Christina says. “I was put on this earth to help people be the best they can be. Each person has their own set of strengths that they can draw from and my job is to help them recognize what those strengths are through therapy.”

Since starting her own practice Allyson has been a busy woman but most importantly her life has changed because she truly loves what she does every day. Allyson helps teens get through that brutal, rebellious stage and stay on the right path. She also coaches divorced couples on communication styles to help them become better models for their children.

She explains that it’s never easy to run or start a business of your own but what you gain from your hard work makes it all worth it. Allyson has a few important tips to offer in order to help others become successful when starting their own businesses.


  1. Persistence – When you fail or get the crap kicked out of you, you just have to keep getting up again.
  2. Reinventing yourself- Reinvent your work, your practice and you technological process.
  3. Don’t miss your accomplishments – No matter how much further you have to go, celebrate your accomplishments. Don’t miss them by only focusing on how much further you want to go.
  4. Knowing what to hold on to and what to let go – Sometimes the only way to progress is to move on from a stagnant situation or job.




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