REVIEW: Chef Roble & Co. (Bravo)

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Bravo premiered Chef Roble & Co., last night. When I first saw the promo for it I thought to myself, – Oh Lord, another cooking show, how original.

But I wanted to give this show a chance because, sometimes good things happen in life. As soon as Chef Roble stepped onto the screen I realized that this indeed- was a good thing.

So, maybe the fact that Roble is totally my type had something to do with the fact that I wanted to see him on screen. He’s handsome in a ‘he might be on the down low’ type of way. He has to be gay because only gay dudes are that hot.

The New York based caterer and his friends and family round out this unusual catering drama about serving up the ultimate dining experience for New York’s elite. Sounds a bit boring, eh? The show was anything but.

“I was about to change the channel until his sister was introduced,” one of my Google Plus friends wrote after I posted that I thought the show would be pretty good.

Indeed. Chef Robles big sister, who he battles for dominance balances out his dominant personality. She’s knowledgable, pretty and funny. “Who has booked all the monkeys?” she asked. I laughed so hard when she said that.

I enjoyed meeting his crew. I enjoyed watching them sweat over the details and weird demands of their A- List clients. I crossed my fingers for them hoping things would work out. Yes, I was emotional over the show, rooting for them to win. I only wished I had more time to smile at the television screen because I had to leave to go to work.

For this NON TV Watcher to enjoy a show, it means it has that special spark. The drama, the off the wall cuisine requests, the last minute preparations all play second fiddle to Chef Roble’s amazing personality.

He has the kind of energy and personality that leaps out of the screen, offers you a cupcake and a kiss on the cheek before hopping back on the screen again to entertain you for another half hour.

I look forward to seeing this show again. Chef Roble is on my hot list.


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