My Savvy Sister Is…. Alive

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My Savvy Sisters are identified by distinct characteristics. We will explore these characteristics one at a time to help you draw from within yourself these remarkable ideals.

women health wellness

My Savvy Sister is ALIVE!
She lives and breathes the excitement of each new day. She awakens with boldness, aware of the fact that every moment is a gift to her.

She experiences the joys and sorrows of life and does not turn off her emotions. She loves life and it’s richness, understanding that the down times help to enrich the times of abundance.

She appreciates her body in its present form. She understands that it is a gift to her and a tool to carry the precious spirit that really identifies who she is.

She allows her evolution, following it easily as the seasons of her life change.

She is ALIVE and she is grateful.

This life is her playground and she creates magically the game of life she sees.

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